Sunday, April 27, 2008

Wysokie Obcasy - Brushed your teeth?
The piece published yesterday in Gazeta Wyborcza's Wysokie Obcasy. The caption says: 'Have you brushed your teeth honey?'

Wysokie Obcasy - Nasza Klasa
The piece published a few weeks ago in Gazeta Wyborcza's Wysokie Obcasy. The caption says: "Maybe we could go to Dominicana so that we would have nice pics on 'nasza klasa'? ['nasza klasa' is a Polish equivalent of myspace or facebook]

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Illustration Friday - Save
The picture comes from a comic book I did some time ago for a football anthology published by 'kultura gniewu'. It tells the story of a football match in a holocaust camp.